Our task was to use the types of shots and angles that we had studied to create a visual story. We were required to tell a story with a non-living object but at the same time we were allowed to have human interaction. The main point of the assignment was to identify what types of shots we were utilizing and why. In addition, the story was to be told in only 15 shots, it was necessary for us to use certain angles and we had 5 of our choice. Lastly, we had to work with a partner of our choice.
In order to come up with this concept, my partner and I saw the pencil as a character with feelings of its own and a journey that attempted to capture the human experience. We focused on the pencil's lifecycle, from its first full potential until its eventual replacement and forgetfulness.
I think we did a good job in choosing the order of our shots in order to tell our story in the best way and try to show the audience some sort of emotion even though the pencil doesn't express any emotions. One of my favorites shots was the medium low angles since the pencils seems to be powerful and there is human interaction in it. However, we could have made more clear and better frame certain shots.