Sunday, September 29, 2024

One Word Film Project


For the One Word Film project, my partner and I were assigned a word that we needed to brainstorm ways to convey through a 60-90 second story. We had to focus using images, sounds, symbols, and other creative elements to tell a clear, cohesive story to avoiding a montage format. First, we had to complete the "One Word Film Brainstorming" sheet to develop a shot list and think about possible editing techniques. Then, we  had to create a 15-slide storyboard to plan out our shots and sequence. Both of us independently edited the footage using Adobe Premiere, keeping the film between 1-1.5 minutes long and using only instrumental audio or sound effects, no dialogue or lyrics were allowed. At home, we submitted a screenshot of our editing timeline to show our progress. Lastly, we named our film "OWF_OurLastName" for submission. 

Our Approach 

During the brainstorming session, we discussed various perspectives of our assigned word which was optimistic,  while also exploring different angles and emotions associated with it. We collaborated on a brainstorming sheet, where we jotted down our ideas and sketches to visualize how the story might unfold. 

Creating a storyboard was crucial in helping us pre-visualize our project. We designed a 15-slide storyboard that mapped out each shot and its sequence, allowing us to see how the story would flow from beginning to end. This visual guide was essential during filming, as it kept us organized and focused on capturing the right footage.

For editing, we utilized the Adobe Premiere Pro software even though fro this project we had the choice of choosing which editing platform we were utilizing.


Reflecting on the project, I believe we succeeded on making sure the audience understood our 
I think we did a good job of capturing the basic meaning of the word we were given, "optimistic," such that the audience felt the optimism and hope that it represents in addition to understanding what it meant. However, if I could improve on one aspect for future projects, it would be time management during the editing phase. I found myself rushing through some edits that I would have liked to take more time in it. 

Project: OWF_Freites.mp4 

Script/Research For Question #1 of CCR

Hey blog!! Today's entry is about the research and development for question #1 of my Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) for my portfolio...