Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 1 of Filming

Day 1 of Filming:

Day 1 of filming started with a lot of excitement and a little bit of stress. The day began with both of my sisters and I, getting food before heading to the dance studio. It was a long ride, but we made the most of it. Once we got to the studio, we were ready to start filming.

For this first day, my older sister played Triana, the flamenco dancer. She did an amazing job bringing the character to life. When she started dancing, especially in the beginning before she grabs the cane, you could really feel the intensity of her movements, and it set the tone for the scene perfectly. But once we started filming, I realized that I was going to need some background music so I figured the best option was for me to play the "cajon". 

Since I had to play the "cajon" (the percussion instrument), I couldn’t film at the same time. That’s when my little sister came in. She filmed the part where Triana starts her dance. It was tricky because I was focused on playing the cajon and staying in rhythm with the dance, and at the same time I had to make sure she was getting all the shots right and the ones I wanted since she has very few experience in the filming world. 

Originally, we planned to film everything, but we didn’t have enough time to do everything. We had to make some adjustments on the opening scene and it took a lot of our time up. I’ll be talking more about the obstacles we faced in a separate blog, but this post is all about what we managed to get done on the first day. 

Even though we didn’t get too film everything, it was a good start. I'm excited to keep going and see where the rest of the filming takes us. Here is a video of my older sister dancing, my little one filming and me playing the "cajon".

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